Filing your personal taxes can be easier than it used to be. Unfortunately, what you could claim last year may not be the same this year. I have compiled a list of the common personal tax laws that have changed since last tax season on my website. I have also provided several tips that can help you get the biggest return possible without manipulating your tax forms. You can learn how to get the biggest return while following the IRS guidelines so you do not have to worry about tax audits or getting a penalty letter a few years after getting your check.
Believe it or not, there are plots in cemeteries that are sold like property. People often buy these assuming they can re-sell them later on, or they are handed down to them from a deceased relative, but never do much with them. If you get your hands on cemetery plots to purchase for a low price, you can turn around and sell them for more. It just takes a little digging and some smart advertising, and then you will be on your way to earning some extra money by selling cemetery plots.
Purchase the Plots
The first step is to obtain plots you would like to sell. This may take a little digging, and is often the most time-consuming part of the process. You will need to look up not just the value of the plots available, but the value of other plots in the area. This can tell you if it is a good deal or not. The best thing to do is find a plot that is going for a lower price than what others in the area are worth. If other plots are worth more, you know you can ask for more when you go to sell it. There are often people just trying to get rid of the plots, and don't mind getting a lower price for them.
Gather Information About Your Plot
Once you have purchased your plots, make a list of the most pertinent information. You need to have this handy so you can provide potential buyers with any information they need. You should know where in the cemetery it is located as well as the plot size. Also try to make a list of special features about this cemetery and location, so you can include that in your listing for the plots. It might be in an area that would provide visitors more privacy, or be overlooking a beautiful garden.
Learn the Value of Your Plot
If you have not yet obtained this information, you need to know the value of your plot. Asking the cemetery is a good place to find out the value. You can also get it appraised, just like any other piece of property. Compare the approximate value to the plots in the area, and this will help you come up with a reasonable price to sell it for.
Acquire the Necessary Paperwork
In order to sell a cemetery plot, you need to inform the cemetery it is located in. You will give them notice of intent to sell, and the cemetery will give you more information about how the process works. They will also provide you with the necessary forms need to exchange ownership when you do sell the plot.
List the Plot
You are finally ready to create your listing. Take the list you made earlier and focus on the special features of the plot, in addition to the important details. Write a listing that is informative and interesting, really highlighting the reason why someone should purchase this plot over others that might be available at that cemetery. Once the listing is written, you can put it in newspapers or online advertisements, as well as cemetery plot registries. Talk to experts like Memorial Mortuaries for more information.
Share10 March 2015