how to get your biggest tax return legally

Filing your personal taxes can be easier than it used to be. Unfortunately, what you could claim last year may not be the same this year. I have compiled a list of the common personal tax laws that have changed since last tax season on my website. I have also provided several tips that can help you get the biggest return possible without manipulating your tax forms. You can learn how to get the biggest return while following the IRS guidelines so you do not have to worry about tax audits or getting a penalty letter a few years after getting your check.

What's New In Call Center Technology

Business Blog

Originally, call centers were set up and run in-house to handle an overflow of customer calls.

Some still operate this way, but many businesses and organizations now rely on call center services that offer the latest technologies.

Virtual call centers

One of the most recent developments has been the proliferation of virtual call centers. In more and more cases, these representatives are working from home.

Employees like this arrangement because there is no commute and they don't have to adhere to a dress code. This can help boost morale and cut down on employee turnover. For the company, a virtual call center lets them save on equipment and office space. If it's a seasonal business, they only need to contract representatives for a few months of the year and aren't using unnecessary office space.

Voice monitoring technology

This technology lets companies gauge the tone of customer's voices and prioritize the calls depending on who sounds the most upset. Call centers can now program speech engines to look for certain words. Examples include the words "loyal" as in "I've been a loyal customer" and "incompetent". Both of these words are considered signs of customer dissatisfaction and are given priority. Other forms of this so-called mood detection technology measure voice tone and how often a word is repeated by a caller.

Good customer service doesn't mean taking calls in order. Taking the most distraught customers first stops them from seething and getting angrier while on hold.

Alternative communication methods

Many customers want options when contacting a company. A good call center service will offer that. Younger customers in particular don't want to sit on a dialer pressing buttons. If they can engage in an online chat or simply email some information on their tablet or computer, they'll be more likely to get in touch.

While offering alternative methods of communication can attract more business, companies and call service providers should be aware that it may involve adding new technology and possibly re-training the support staff.

Using customer data to contact them correctly

Call center services can now accumulate huge amounts of data, spot trends and respond accordingly. For example, nowadays, most affluent and/or younger customers get in touch with car dealerships through their internet sales department. In the early 2000s, many dealerships had no internet sales department at all.

As the popularity of car shopping websites on the net grew, consumers began calling or emailing dealerships for prices instead of just walking in. Dealerships responded to this change in consumer behavior by implementing internet sales departments and call centers.

With the use of the latest technologies, call center services can offer businesses world-class support that grows and evolves with their needs.


21 January 2015